Rules & By-Laws
Scroll down to read the tournament rules & by-laws on this webpage.
2018 Official B.A.S.S. Nation Tournament Rules - Guiding Rules
The following CT Sweetwater Bass Tournament Rules shall be the highest authority when governing a CSWB club tournament. Any and all actions of the Tournament Director shall be directed by these rules. The Tournament Director’s main responsibility is to enforce these rules with fairness and integrity. Any and all interpretations of the following rules shall rest in the hands of the Tournament Director. All CT Sweetwater Club members must adhere to these rules in order to fish in a CSWB tournament.
1. RULE CHANGES: Tournament Rule changes are applicable to all C.S.W.B. Tournaments. Changes may be implemented by a majority vote of the C.S.W.B. Members and subsequent approval by the C.S.W.B. Executive Board. Changes made to B.A.S.S. and Connecticut B.A.S.S. Nation Tournament Rules shall dictate a possible change to these CT Sweetwater BASS Tournament Rules. Therefore, yearly revisions will be needed to stay up-to-date with our mothering organizations. Interpretation of these rules shall be left exclusively to the Tournament Director (TD). Their decision shall be final in all matters unless specifically noted otherwise.
2. MEDIA COMMENTS, PUBLIC ATTACKS: The favorable public reputation of B.A.S.S. as a sanctioning organization in the sport of fishing, the integrity of its officials, and the reputation of its media properties are valuable assets and tangible benefits for B.A.S.S. Accordingly, it is an obligation of competitors to refrain from comments to the media that unreasonably attack or disparage the integrity of tournaments, tournament officials, sponsors, fellow members, fellow anglers or the B.A.S.S. organization. Competitors are encouraged to express themselves and have the right to question the rules officials. Responsible expressions of legitimate disagreement with B.A.S.S. and C.S.W.B. policies are encouraged as opposed to attacks upon the integrity of the rules officials. However, public comments that an angler knows, or should reasonably know, will harm the reputation of B.A.S.S./C.S.W.B., B.A.S.S./C.S.W.B. officials or sponsors, shall be considered conduct unbecoming and will result in disciplinary action (to be decided by the Executive Board).
3. PARTICIPATION AND ELIGIBILITY: Participation in C.S.W.B. Tournament Trail events is open to C.S.W.B. members 16 years of age or older. You must be a member in good standing with the C.S.W.B. and B.A.S.S.
(a) For all events, an entry fee must be paid. All applications and fees must be received by the Tournament Director NO LATER THAN the tournament launch time. It is your responsibility to get your fees to the Tournament Director.
(b) When entering the first C.S.W.B. tournament of the season; If you are competing as a Boater, you must submit a copy/photo of your boat insurance policy (declaration page, showing effective & expiration dates with a minimum of $100,000/300,000 liability) and a copy of your Connecticut Safe Boating Certificate number. These must be kept current and on file with the Secretary. Membership Eligibility with B.A.S.S. and C.S.W.B. will be checked using the online roster system.
(c) Non-Boaters – It is expected, yet not required, that non-boaters pay monies to their boater for consideration of gas, travel, and other out-of-pocket expenses.
4. REFUNDS: Refunds will be granted if the TD is notified at least 72 hours prior to the start of the tournament. In case of an emergency, refunds will be handled at the discretion of the Tournament Director.
5. PAIRING OF CONTESTANTS: For all tournament trail events, the pairings will be made available prior to the tournament day. Each Co-Angler (non boater) is responsible for contacting the Angler to discuss any details for the event. In an emergency situation contact an Executive Board member to let them know your fishing status. Also make sure your tournament fees are paid or you will not be allowed to fish the tournament.
(a) Safe boating conduct must be observed at all times by tournament competitors. Caution and safety on the morning starts must be observed. Each competitor must supply and wear a life vest (Coast Guard Approved wearable PFD) properly zipped, buckled, or snapped at all times when the craft's gasoline engine is in operation. Tournament boats may not be powered by an engine which has a horsepower rating in excess of the boat's Coast Guard rating. The boat's "Kill Switch" must be properly affixed to the driver at all times when the gasoline engine is running.
(b) The Tournament director has the right to delay, shorten or cancel the start of the event because of bad weather or other factors that would endanger the safety of the competitors. Consultation with the Executive Board, if available, is advised. Tournament waters may also be restricted at any time because of bad weather.
(c) In the event of an emergency situation, competitors should call 911 first and then notify tournament officials.
(d) Competitors are allowed to leave the boat and seek safe shelter in bad weather where danger is imminent.
(e) In the event of a needed restroom break or refueling situation at a marina gas pump, partners are allowed to leave the boat upon which all fishing must cease until partners are back together in the boat. If a competitor violates any of the above conditions, competitors must cease fishing at this point, and their catch must be verified by the tournament director in order to be counted in the tournament. If after the emergency situation is resolved by tournament director and enough time is left for the competitor to resume fishing, a RESTART will be allowed and the competitor will continue and their catch will be counted. This applies only to dire emergency situations as determined by the Tournament Director or his/her designee. Towing boats on trailers during tournament hours is prohibited, except by the direction the tournament officials director.
7. SPORTSMANSHIP: Competitors in all C.S.W.B. Tournaments are expected to follow the highest standards of sportsmanship, courtesy, safety, and conservation. Any infraction of these fundamental sporting principles may be deemed cause for disqualification. Any infraction of the state rules and regulations may be deemed as cause for disqualification. (observe all “No Wake” Zones) Drunkenness by any competitor during the tournament or at the weigh-in will not be tolerated and shall be cause for immediate disqualification from this and all future tournaments. The use of illegal drugs or alcohol during the tournament (between "check in" in the morning and the closing of the scales in the afternoon) shall be considered cause for disqualification. Maximum courtesy must be practiced at all times, especially with regard to boating and angling in the vicinity of non-competitors who may be on tournament waters. Any act of a participant, which reflects unfavorably upon the C.S.W.B.’s effort to promote fisheries conservation, clean waters, and courtesy, shall be reason for immediate disqualification.
(a) CODE OF CONDUCT AMENDMENT...to be written by Mike
8. TACKLE AND EQUIPMENT: Updated Yearly to align with B.A.S.S. official Tournament Rules (number 8 - TACKLE AND EQUIPMENT)
Use of grippers for landing bass is prohibited during tournament competition. During practice and competition, no more than one artificial or biodegradable artificial lure may be attached to a line at one time. One lure is defined as a single man made device designed to attract and/or catch one fish at a time. Adding trailer hooks, plastic trailers, blades, etc., to a single lure is acceptable. If multiple fish are caught on a single man made lure, on a single cast, all fish are considered legal and may be added to the daily catch subject to scoring rules (17). No “live bait,” “dead bait,” or “prepared bait” will be permitted during official practice and competition, with the exception of pork strips or rinds. Any umbrella-type rigging, harness, or other device designed to hold more than one lure at a time – with or without hooks – is not allowed. Such rigging, harness, or device cannot be added to a single lure as described above. Twin arm spinnerbaits, underspins and buzzbaits are allowed. Trailer hooks and plastic trailers must be on the main hook of the bait; only spinner blades can be affixed to the arms. The head on the main stem may be hinged. On twin arm spinnerbaits, underspins and buzzbaits, no more than two wires, with a maximum length of 6 inches, may extend off the main arm or body of the lure at the head or line tie point. The bend of the main hook must be even or trail behind where the blades attach to the wires. B.A.S.S. officials have the sole authority to determine whether a lure is considered a single lure as defined above.
Only ONE casting, spin casting or spinning rod (10-foot maximum length from butt of handle to rod tip) and reel may be used at any one time. A hung or snagged lure that is not in or on the water is not considered in use and may be set aside while another is in use. Other rigs as specified above may be in the boat ready for use; however, only ONE is permitted in use at any given time. If a competitor breaks his line while setting the hook or retrieving a fish, he is allowed to make an attempt with the rod being used or with his hands to secure the visible line and land the fish for it to be counted as legal. He may NOT hook the line with another lure, rod and reel, or other device. The use of braid or other line to attach one stinger hook (single or treble) is allowed but cannot be over two inches in length.
No competitor may intentionally snag or foul hook a bass to be counted in their daily catch. Anyone guilty of snatching or snagging visible fish will have his or her catch disqualified. When visually fishing for bedding bass, to be counted as a legal fish, bass must be hooked inside the mouth and must be verified by your partner before being unhooked. With the mouth closed naturally, you must not be able to see where the hook point enters the fish to be considered hooked inside the mouth.
Competitors, including those who have been “cut” from competition in an event, are allowed to share baits and tackle with one another at any time.
If a line is hung-up on an object out of the water, it does not qualify as a wet line. A competitor may retrieve a snagged line by leaving their boat. However, they may and shall be held responsible for any violations of trespassing laws. All bass must be caught in a conventional sporting manner. Trolling (the movement of bait caused by the use of a gas or electric motor) is not allowed.
9. BASIC BOAT EQUIPMENT: Every boat must have all required Coast Guard safety equipment. Each boat must have a working engine kill switch and a mechanically aerated live well in good working condition. All tournament boats must be adequately equipped, including a fishing seat for a Co-Angler (non-boating partner), and provide sufficient room for two fishermen, their equipment, and two limits of fish. The boat must be deemed adequate for the body of water being fished at the discretion of the Tournament Director.
10. BOAT IDENTIFICATION: Each boater will randomly draw a number 30 minutes prior to start, which will be used for boat order for launching and retrieving their boats as well as at the start of the tournament.
(a) The Angler (boater) is responsible for the entire operation and expenses of running the boat with the Angler and Co-Angler format.
(b) Any competitor who, in the judgment of the officials, operates the boat in such a manner as to unfairly handicap his/her partner shall be disqualified.
12. PERMITTED FISHING LOCATIONS: Updated Yearly to align with B.A.S.S. official Tournament Rules (number 14 - PERMITTED FISHING LOCATIONS)
Tournament waters shall be established by the Tournament Director for each tournament. Any water within these boundaries posted “Off-Limits” or “No Fishing” by state or federal agencies as well as the live-bass-release area established by the Tournament Director will be OFF-LIMITS and will be announced at the Tournament Briefing. Only that water open to ALL public fishing will be considered tournament waters. Waters deemed off limits by authorities or tournament officials should be treated like a wall. No boats or casting behind that boundary while fishing. All angling must be done from the boat. In states where landowners have the legal authority to claim private property, these areas must be posted or they will be considered tournament waters unless instructed otherwise by tournament officials at any time during the event. If forced to leave, a competitor must report the incident to tournament officials as soon as possible. Any water to which a competitor is barred access becomes off-limits to all competitors. Prior to the tournament registration, any questionable areas must be brought to the attention of tournament officials to be considered tournament waters and may be announced in the briefing for all to hear unless determined otherwise by tournament officials. Tournament officials reserve the right to restrict or enhance tournament waters based on conversations with local authorities. Competitors are not allowed to cut, remove, displace, or engage in any type structure removal from private property (dry land) during off limits, official practice or competition. Moving structure to include sawing of logs or other obstructions in the water is only allowed if laws permit. No competitor may place any object that may impede or cause danger to boaters.
13. COMPETITORS MUST REMAIN IN BOAT: Updated Yearly to align with B.A.S.S. official Tournament Rules (number 15 - COMPETITORS MUST REMAIN IN BOAT)
During the competition days, competitors must not depart the boat to land fish or to make the boat more accessible to fishing waters. Competitors may not shift a majority of their weight outside the boat and onto a dock or other object outside the boat for the purpose of landing a bass or accessing a fishing spot. A bass that cannot be landed without the angler leaving the boat or shifting his weight outside the boat must be released immediately. While keeping the majority of weight in the boat anglers are allowed for boat protection to push or shove off objects while landing a fish to be counted as legal. Competitors are allowed to leave the boat to retrieve a lure. All fishing by that competitor must cease until the competitor is back in the boat. Only then may another cast be made.
Boats must remain in tournament waters during tournament days. Competitors must leave from and return to official checkpoints by boat. Both anglers must remain in the boat at all times, except in case of dire emergency, or with permission from the Tournament Director. Exceptions spelled out in rules 5, 15, and 18. In such an emergency, or with permission of the Tournament Director, competitors may be removed from their boat, either to a boat operated by other competitors, or a rescue boat designated by the Tournament Director. Partners must remain together at all times, in sight of each other and each other’s catch, under the conditions cited above, in order for their catch of that day to be scored in the tournament, with the following exception. . In breakdown situations and with a tournament official’s permission, Non-Boaters may transfer their boat’s (Boater and Non-Boater’s) fish to another competitor’s boat and ride to check in, and they may leave their Boater with the disabled boat. In such cases, the Non-Boater must stay with their catches at all times and the assisting boat’s partners should verify the catch. Any angler whose boat is disabled and rides with another competitor or rescue boat to weigh in is not allowed to fish. In the event of a needed restroom break or refueling situation at a marina gas pump, contestants are allowed to leave the boat, at which time all fishing must cease until partners are back together in the boat. If a competitor violates any of the above conditions (to contact a tournament official by phone or other means, or to report an emergency or breakdown), both competitors must cease fishing at this point and their catch must be verified by a tournament official in order to be counted in the tournament. If, after the emergency situation is resolved by tournament officials, and enough time is left for the competitors to resume fishing, a restart will be allowed, the competitors will continue, and their catch will be counted. This applies only to dire emergency situations as determined by the Tournament Director or his/her designee. Towing boats on trailers during tournament hours is prohibited, except by the direction of tournament officials.
14. OFFICIAL CHECKPOINT: There will be only one official location for the morning check-out and afternoon check-in.
(a) The morning check-out: All anglers shall check-in prior to the tournament. At the time of check-out, all competitors and their boats shall be in full conformance with the rules set forth in these tournament regulations.
(b) Afternoon check-in: All boats shall identify themselves by means of their number and then proceed immediately to the designated weigh-in area.
All fish must be brought to the scales in official weigh-in bags, which will be provided by tournament officials.
15. SCORING: Tournament standings, auxiliary awards, and final winners shall be determined by the pound weight rounded to the nearest hundredth decimal of each competitor's catch during the tournament. Only largemouth and smallmouth bass will be weighed (Spotted, Guadalupe, & Shoal Bass are not near our tournament waters). The limit shall be five of the above species. All competitors are bound by the prevailing statues and regulations of the state. At no time shall a competitor have in their possession more than the limits described above and Tournament officials will conduct checks for violations of this provision. In the event a competitor is found to have more than the above-described limits in their possession, then they shall cull the largest bass first, down to the limit prescribed. Only bass as noted above which measure (twelve) 12 inches or more in length on the longest straight line should be presented for weigh-in. However, a courtesy measurement is available upon request by the contestant before he/she presents fish for weigh-in. Bass presented for weigh-in, which fail to measure 12 inches, shall disqualify the competitor. Any bass, which appears to be mangled, mashed or otherwise altered, will be weighed and credited only at the discretion of tournament director. After the competitor has delivered their catch to the weighmaster, they may not touch said catch until the weigh-in is completed. Bass may not be stringered at any time during the tournament or weigh-in. Competitors who normally fish as boaters who wish to fish as non-boaters are allowed only if there are empty spaces available. Their weight will not be factored into a non-boater average weight.
16. CATCH AND RELEASE: Culling of dead bass is prohibited. For each legal dead bass presented to weigh-in officials, the competitor shall be penalized .5 lbs (½ of a pound) to be deducted from their daily score. 3 dead fish weighed will mean a 3 lb penalty. 4 or more dead fish weighed will result in a disqualification. (amended 12/2016) Competitors are allowed to ice a dead fish that is part of their daily catch. The Tournament Director, or his/her designees, shall have sole authority for assessing penalty points. In addition, the Tournament Director, or his/her designees, may reduce tournament hours or tournament limits for fish care purposes. It is recommended that the Tournament Director consult with the Executive Board before making this decision. It is suggested in warm weather tournaments anglers keep extra ice for fish care. Contestants are allowed to purchase ice on the water; however, they are not allowed to receive ice from non-contestants. It is recommended competitors keep all bass in live wells during the culling process. Placing bass on the boat carpet during culling is not advised. Non-penetrating culling clip use is encouraged. Any clip or device that penetrates the skin or mouth of a fish is discouraged. Proper fizzing technique is suggested when needed.
17. LATE PENALTY: Competitors who are not in the official checkpoint area as described in Rule 13 at the appointed time shall be penalized .5 pounds of the total weight of their catch, including any weight to be counted toward a "lunker award" for each minute that they are late. Any competitor more than fifteen minutes late shall lose all credit for that day's catch. There shall be no excuse for tardiness, and in no case, shall a competitor be allowed to make up "lost time". After proper recognition at the checkpoint, competitors will be allowed ample time to proceed to the weigh-in site; however, all fishing must cease upon check-in. After commencement of a tournament, fishing is prohibited except during tournament hours. Exact starting and check-in times will be announced.
18. TIES: Ties will be broken in the following manner:
1. By weight of the heaviest fish. Always weigh your heaviest fish to break
potential ties
2. By total number of fish.
3. By a flip of a coin - Unless both parties agree to split any money award. A
coin flip would still be needed to determine earned points and an official
19. PROTEST PROCEDURE: Protests must be brought to the attention of the TD or their designated representative prior to completion of the weigh-in on the tournament day. In the event of a rule violation, the TD may impose such sanctions, as it deems appropriate.
20. BOAT LAUNCHING: All boats shall be in the water and ready to leave one-half hour prior to the start time of the tournament. Official time and special rules (if any) will be issued at the time of check-in. Tournament departure will be by boat number.
21. TOURNAMENT TRAIL FORMAT: The tournament trail will be an Angler/Co-Angler (non-boater) format. The fee per tournament will be $20 per angler, in addition to a $5 optional lunker fee.
The standings will be based on the point system below:
1st – 100 pts. 2nd - 98 pts - the points will decline in 2 point increments per place. All contestants who participate and end the day that catch no fish will receive 10 points less than the last fish caught. If a contestant leaves before weigh-in, they will earn 0 points. (amended April 2018)
There will also be additional points by team, 1st - 6 points, 2nd – 4 points, and 3rd – 2 points, these points will be split between team members (1st place team - each angler earns 3 pts, 2nd place team - each angler earns 2 pts each, 3rd place team - each angler earns 1 pt each). In the event an Angler is fishing by himself not by his own doing he will receive the average of all competing Co-Anglers (non-boaters) to count towards his “Team” weight. In the event an Co-Angler is fishing with a “Guest” Angler he will receive the average of all Anglers (Boaters) to count towards his “Team” weight. Note: Team weight does not apply to a CBN Trail tournament.
You will be allowed to drop 1 of the 8 club tournaments. Open boats will be allowed if not paired by tournament director.
22. PAYOUTS: First Place Angler based on heaviest total weight is awarded 50 % of the total entry fees pool. Second Place Angler is awarded 25 % of the total entry fees pool. The club will take in the remaining 25 % of the entry fees pool. Third place angler is awarded a $ 20 gift card (if gift cards are available). The highest placing non-boater is awarded a $ 20 gift card (if gift cards are available). Boaters who wish to fish as a non-boater for a particular tournament can not receive the top non-boater award. It shall go to the highest placing regular non-boater. The heaviest individual largemouth OR smallmouth bass for each tournament will receive 100 % of the lunker fees pool. In order for a fish to qualify for lunker it must be presented live at the weigh-in. For those competitors fishing as a club guest, it will be left to the discretion of the Executive Board whether or not awards can be earned.
23. COMMUNICATION DEVICES: No electronic communication devices will be permitted except for an emergency. During the tournament, a competitor may not use a CB radio, a VHF marine band-radio, a cellular phone, or any other type of communication device for the purpose of locating or catching fish. Competitors are permitted to transmit by radio or telephone only in the event of an emergency. If so equipped, competitors may listen to the marine-band weather information.
24. PAIRINGS PROCEDURE: The Tournament Director shall conduct and announce the pairings for each tournament at least 3 days before the scheduled tournament. The pairings procedure needs to be approved by the Executive Board prior to the start of the season. Changing the pairing procedure mid-season is heavily discouraged, but may happen only with the consultation and approval of the Executive Board. It is recommended that the Tournament Director carry out the pairings procedure with a fellow club member present. If a fellow club member is not available, it is recommended that the pairing procedure be recorded and shared with the Executive Board.
(a) 2018 BOATER / NON-BOATER PAIRING PROCESS - Random Selection (using random generator application software). A boater can not be unpaired in consecutive tournaments; no repeat pairings for a boater and non-boater two tournaments in a row. If the Executive Board feels the Tournament Director is NOT acting in the best interest of the club when pairing boaters and non-boaters, the Executive Board can overrule the Tournament Director.
(b) The pairing process should be made available in writing for club members throughout the season (website is recommended)
(c) The Tournament Director can make pairing changes as needed based on unexcused or emergency absences. The Tournament Director should use his best judgement based on the best interest of the club when changing the pairings. It is recommended that the Tournament Director consult with the Executive Board when changing pairings. If the Executive Board feels the Tournament Director is NOT acting in the best interest of the club when changing pairings, the Executive Board can overrule the Tournament Director.
(d) If the Executive Board feels the Tournament Director is NOT acting in the best interest of the club in carrying out their Tournament Director duties, the Executive Board can overrule the actions of the Tournament Director.
ARTICLE I - Purpose of This Organization
A. To improve the quality and knowledge of B.A.S.S. fishing and B.A.S.S. fishermen in the state of Connecticut.
B. To provide a means of support to Connecticut B.A.S.S. Nation via participation in events and tournaments.
C. To promote and support approved conservation agencies, policies, practices and measures in the preservation of aquatic resources and improvement of ecological and environmental conditions on regional, state and local levels.
D. To contribute both monetarily and/or physically to worthy charitable affairs and activities
brought to the attention of the SweetWater Bass membership.
E. To encourage youth fishing and youth activities to promote the sport of fishing and B.A.S.S.
ARTICLE II - Amendments to the Bylaws
Bylaw amendment proposals must be submitted in writing to the Executive Board The Executive Board will then discuss the proposals with the club. The club will vote on the proposed Bylaw amendment(s), with the approved Bylaws taking effect
The amendment(s) to the Bylaws will need a two-thirds vote of the club, with a quorum present to accept the amendment(s).
Absentee votes will be accepted if submitted via E-mail or in writing only to the Executive Board prior to the meeting
After a revision has been voted on and accepted, notification, through either the
club website or by E-mail, will be sent to each club member.
E. The Executive Board will be in charge of reviewing, revising, and interpreting these bylaws as needed in the best interest of the club. Major Revisions (12 or more changes) shall be created, revised, and published by the Executive Board. A club 2/3rds vote,with a quorum present, will be needed to accept any major revisions before the revisions are enacted.
ARTICLE III - Location of Connecticut Sweetwater Bass Club
The business address of this organization shall be the same as that of the Connecticut SweetWater Bass Club President.
The Executive Board will determine the principal meeting place for club meetings.
ARTICLE IV - Officers
Officers of Connecticut SweetWater Bass shall be elected by a majority vote of the club. Officers, as a group, shall be known as the Executive Board and are empowered to carry out the directives of the club (see Article V, Section G). The Officers are: President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer, & Tournament Director. The CT Sweetwater Bass CBN representative is NOT an executive board member. The CBN representative is a club position not a club officer.
1. Executive Board members with the exception of the President (or the President's substitute in his absence) may perform dual executive functions, i.e., Treasurer and Secretary. However, they may only cast 1 vote in an executive board vote
Term of Office
Any officer shall be allowed to hold office for an unspecified number of terms in succession.
1. The officers of the Connecticut SweetWater Bass will be elected by the club at the end of the year and shall take office at the beginning of the following year.
Eligibility for Office
Candidates for officers of the Connecticut SweetWater Bass shall be chosen from members of the club, in good standing. Any person (member) holding an office, serving on or chairing a committee that has been removed from office for reasons found not to be in the best interest of the club shall not be allowed to run for any position and/or office on the Executive Board and/or serve as any committee chair.
Removal from Office
An officer's absence, without justifiable reasons (to be determined by the remainder of the executive board), for more than two (2) meetings in a calendar year shall be cause for removal.
Any officer may be removed from office for cause by a two-thirds vote of the club, with a quorum present, and after all parties have the opportunity to be heard, whenever in its judgment, removal is considered to be in the best interest of the club. Cause for removal shall be determined by the remaining members of the Executive Board OR ⅔ of the club, with a quorum present.
ARTICLE V - Responsibilities / Duties of Officers & Executive Board
A. Executive Board
Officers, as a group, shall be known as the Executive Board and are empowered to carry out the directives of the club listed below. The Officers are: President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer, & Tournament Director. The CT Sweetwater Bass CBN representative is NOT an executive board member. As a group, they shall:
Carry out any club directive explicitly written and assigned, according to these bylaws.
Make decisions by a majority vote of at least 3 (with 5 executive board members). If an executive board member is not present when making a decision, all efforts should be used to contact and receive a vote from the absent Executive Board officer. Should there be an even number of executive board members in current office, the Club President shall break a possible tie. If there is no current President, the Vice President shall break a possible tie.
Draft “major revisions” (defined as: more than 12 revisions per update) to these bylaws as needed.
Determine a system for recruiting club members. Recruiting new members shall be done in the best interest of the club. A deadline for the current season applicant will be March 1st of the given year
Determine a system for accepting new club members. Accepting new club members is outlined in Standing Rule 13 in Article XIII.
Determine grounds or cause for denying participation in a club sponsored activity OR dismissing / removing a member with or without refund of club dues (to be determined by Executive Board). Dismissing / Removing a member still must follow the bylaws as outlined in Article VII, section D (A final vote must be by 2/3rds of all club members, with a quorum present, to dismiss / remove a member. An opportunity to be heard must be offered to the member(s) in question). NOTE* Removal of a member does not need the approval of the Executive Board, but it is recommended that club members consult with the Executive Board when removing a member.
Blatant / purposeful violations of the bylaws may be grounds to forfeit an officer’s position. “Blatant” is to be interpreted and determined by the executive board. In this instance, these blatant / purposeful violations of the bylaws forfeits the officer’s chance to speak on their behalf before disciplinary action (which may include removal from position) is taken by the remainder of the executive board. NOTE ***Forfeiture of an officer’s position needs at least a two-thirds vote, with a quorum present of the club members.
Determine grounds or cause for dismissing / removing an officer if the Executive Board feels an officer is NOT acting in the best interest of the club in carrying out their officer duties. The club as a whole can override determination (or lack thereof) of grounds or cause for dismissing / removing an officer with a 2/3rds vote (Executive Officers as club members are included in this 2/3rds vote).
The Executive Board can overrule the previously stated questionable actions of the officer in question by an Executive Board majority vote.
NOTE *** Dismissing / Removing an officer still must follow the bylaws as outlined in Article IV, section D. (A final vote must be by 2/3rds of club members with a quorum present to dismiss / remove an officer. An opportunity to be heard must be offered to the officer in question). NOTE* Removal of an officer does not need the approval of the Executive Board, but it is recommended that club members consult with the Executive Board when removing an officer.
Determine future allegiance to larger fishing organizations - i.e. B.A.S.S. (see also Standing Rule 12 in Article XII).
Make any and all decisions on matters not addressed in these bylaws with the best interest of the club in mind.
Interpret these bylaws with the best interest of the club in mind.
Create Non-Executive Board club positions as the Executive Board deems necessary in carrying out club directives. It is recommended that the Executive Board announce and consult with the entire club before creating new positions. A ⅔ vote of the club is needed to create a new Non-Executive Board position.
B. President
He shall be the Chief Executive Officer of the club, he shall:
1. Preside and maintain order over all meetings of the club and Executive Board.
2. Schedule regular and special meetings of the club; notify Executive Board and club members of meeting dates in a timely manner. He can use the club secretary as a means of communicating with the rest of the club. Assure that meetings scheduled are noticed and held.
3. Appoint Special Committees (with the consultation of the Executive Board) of this club as appropriate; cooperate with committee thereof to assure proper functioning, reporting of each committee.
4. See that regular elections are duly called, noticed and held.
5. Direct all official business for the club.
6. Be the official representative of Connecticut SweetWater Bass.
7. Assure adequate supervision of all club sponsored activities.
8. Maintain liaison with any endorsed sponsors and promoters.
9. Initiate disciplinary action (disciplinary action to be determined by Executive Board if not defined in these bylaws) in respect to violations of standing regulations rules and procedures by club members.
10. Acquire a working knowledge of parliamentary law and procedures and a thorough understanding of the By-laws of this club.
C. Vice President
If the President is unable to perform the duties of his office for any reason, the Vice President shall occupy his position and perform his duties with the same authority as the President. He shall:
1. Assist the President as directed.
2. Oversee the functioning of such committees of this organization, as the President shall direct.
3. Assume the office of President for balance of term should the office be vacated. (unless the Executive Board deems it necessary to hold a special election)
4. Coordinate safety checks prior to any or all club events and make the Tournament Director aware of any safety concerns.
Safety checks may include:
Fire Extinguisher check
Air Horn check
PFD check
3 lb + Anchor check
Throwable float check
Kill switch check
Navigation lights check
5. Acquire club member awards / plaques. The yearly awards / plaques shall
be determined by a club majority vote with approval from the Executive Board.
D. Secretary
He shall be under the supervision and direction of the President and the Executive Board and shall act as the liaison officer between the club and the general membership. In fulfillment of this, he shall:
1. Keep a record of the proceedings (Minutes) of all meetings of the Executive Board and the club.
2. Maintain a current roster, inclusive of mailing address, phone number,
E-mail address and B.A.S.S. membership number and expiration date; register and maintain the record of attendance of club meetings.
3. Notify club members of any meeting changes on a timely basis.
4. Be responsible for coordinating a calendar of events of all chapter activities
5. Have custody and maintain general records of this club, including, but not limited to, minutes of the meetings; attendance; committee appointments and reports; addresses, telephone numbers and B.A.S.S. membership number and status information for Executive Board and club members.
6. Coordinate the preparation and submission by members of the Executive Board of such reports as are required by B.A.S.S. and other agencies; conduct correspondence for the club as directed.
7. Design / Create / Maintain the official CT Sweetwater Bass Website and social media accounts. The Executive Board may in the future decide to create a non-executive board position to handle these duties should they deem necessary.
E. Treasurer
He shall have the care and custody of and shall be responsible for all the funds, securities, evidences of indebtedness and other valuable documents of the club, and deposit all such funds in the name of the club in such banks, or trust companies, or other depositories, or in such safe deposit vaults as the Executive Board may designate. He shall:
1. Sign, make and endorse in the name of the club, all checks, notes, drafts, bills of exchange, acceptances and other instruments for the payment of money, and payout and dispose of and receipt therefore, under authorization and direction of the President, Vice President, or Executive Board.
2. Render a statement of the condition of the finances of the club at each regular meeting of the club, and at such other times as shall be required of him/her.
3. Keep full and accurate books of account of all club business and other such books of account as the Executive Board may require, and shall exhibit the same to any officer of the club upon application thereof.
4. Prepare and submit a complete fiscal year (refer to Article XV) financial report at the succeeding year's first club meeting.
5. Pay statements from officers and committee members only when clearly authorized and fully documented by receipts. (Refer to Article XIII, Section B.)
6. Issue statements and collect for financial obligations owed to the club.
7. Be bonded by the club for the faithful discharge of his duties in such amount and with such surety as the Executive Board may prescribe.
8. Have custody and maintain records of club accounts and disbursements. At termination of office such records shall be inventoried; active records shall be turned over to the succeeding Treasurer; old records shall be committed to club files as the President or Executive Board shall direct; a receipt for same will be obtained. Valuable documents of the club in depositories or elsewhere shall be jointly inventoried by the outgoing and new Treasurer in the presence of the President or Vice President prior to transfer of custodianship to the new Treasurer.
9. Open / Maintain / Close a bank account for the club under the direction of the executive board. The account must be accessible to the treasurer AND the current President.
10. Perform all duties incident to his office.
F. Tournament Director
He shall be under the supervision and direction of the President and the Executive Board and shall act as the liaison officer between the club and the DEEP, plan, organize, and operate the club tournaments to select tournament launch, take-off and check-in sites, determine eligibility, collect entry fees, distribute awards, rule with final authority on the proper conduct procedures and qualifications and other matters properly relating to the orderly conduct of an club tournament (see Tournament Rules). In fulfillment of this, he shall:
1. Maintain and provide a listing of lakes suitable for our club to fish
2. Maintain current records of proof of insurance for boating owners, and listing of states club members are currently registered and licensed to fishing.
3. Provide a list of lakes to the club during a club meeting and initiate a vote by the club members to determine next year’s tournament trail.
4. Schedule club’s tournament trail as not to interfere with Holiday’s, or B.A.S.S. Nation tournament trail.
5. Work closely with DEEP agent to secure permits for club tournament trail. ALL correspondents (Emails, electronic forms, etc.) must be forwarded to the club’s email account for records.
6. Fill out and submit electronic post-tournament reports to the DEEP in a timely fashion. ALL correspondents (Emails, electronic forms, etc.) must be forwarded to the club’s email account for records.
7. Notify via phone or Email, club members of any changes to tournament schedule due to unforeseen circumstances in a timely manner.
8. Conduct and Announce boater and non-boater pairings for each tournament. The Tournament Director shall conduct and announce the pairings for each tournament at least 3 days before the scheduled tournament. The pairings procedure and process needs to be approved by the Executive Board prior to the start of the first scheduled tournament of each year. Changing the pairing procedure and process mid-season is heavily discouraged, but may happen only with the consultation and approval of the Executive Board. Otherwise, the same pairing procedure and process needs to be used for each tournament throughout the year. It is recommended that the Tournament Director carry out the pairings procedure with a fellow club member present. If a fellow club member is not available, it is recommended that the pairing procedure be recorded and shared with the Executive Board.
(a) BOATER / NON-BOATER PAIRING PROCESS - see Tournament Rules - Rule 23
(b) The pairing process should be made available in writing for club members throughout the season (website is recommended).
(c) The Tournament Director shall make pairing changes as needed based on unexcused or emergency absences. The Tournament Director should use his best judgement based on fairness and the best interest of the club when changing the pairings. It is recommended that the Tournament Director consult with the Executive Board when changing pairings. If the Executive Board feels the Tournament Director is NOT acting in the best interest of the club when changing pairings, the Executive Board can overrule the Tournament Director.
ARTICLE VI - Elections
A. Officers of the Club
Shall be elected by the club members in accordance with procedures as prescribed herein; they shall have terms of office and eligibility requirements as provided under Article IV, sections B & C.
1. The Club members shall prepare a list of nominations in writing over their signatures. Subject list shall be submitted to the Executive Board for consideration.
2. Regular elections to fill officer positions shall be conducted during one of the last meetings of the calendar year. The election shall be by club members with a quorum present and a majority vote shall be necessary to elect. Voting for each officer position shall be by written or spoken (roll call) ballot.
3. Should vacancies occur among officer positions, such vacancies may be filled at a regular or special meeting of the club, and any officer so elected shall hold office until the end of the normal term or until his successor shall be duly elected and shall qualify.
ARTICLE VII - Club Membership
A. Definition of Membership
The members of this club are those persons or organizations having membership rights in accordance with the provisions of these Bylaws.
1. Membership dues
a. Annual dues in the Connecticut SweetWater Bass shall be $100.00 per year.
Breakdown of these dues are as follows:
B.A.S.S. Nation Dues $30
Connecticut B.A.S.S. Nation Dues $50
Connecticut SweetWater Bass Club Fund $20
b. Annual dues and applications (for new members) are due by the February club meeting each year.
Tournament Fees
a. Fees per tournament will be $20 dollar entry fee with an optional $5 lunker pool fee for a total of $25
B. Categories of Membership
This club shall have three categories of membership:
1. Boater
a. Persons who are members in good standing of Bass Anglers Sportsman Society (B.A.S.S.) and who is planning on fishing at least 75% of the club’s tournament trail from their boat. Must provide proof of boat insurance of $100,000/300,000 minimum.
2. Non-Boater
a. Persons who are members in good standing of Bass Anglers Sportsman Society (B.A.S.S.) and who is planning on fishing at least 75% of the club’s tournament trail from another club member’s boat.
3. Member
a. Persons who are members in good standing of Bass Anglers Sportsman Society (B.A.S.S.) and who are not fishing any of the club’s tournament trail. Members in this category will not be allowed to vote towards lake selections. Members in this category are mainly for those individuals who, in the close future, intend on becoming a fishing boater or non-boater OR for those who have temporary hardships.
b. NOTE* CT Sweetwater Bass is not a paper club (there are other available Connecticut B.A.S.S. clubs that are defined as ‘Paper’ clubs). All members must make a concerted effort to fish at least 75 % of the club trail. However, exceptions can be made as deemed by an Executive Board vote (for instance emergency medical conditions, unexpected financial hardships, major boat repairs, etc.). Failure to fish at least 75 % of the club trail may result in denial of participation in club events or dismissal/removal from the club - to be determined by an Executive Board vote.
C. Continuation of Membership
Members must remain current with their dues and B.A.S.S. memberships.
D. Forfeiture of Membership / Denial of Participation in a Club Sponsored Activity
1. Members in violation of Article VII, Section C, may be dropped from membership.
2. Members who absent themselves from more than 2 consecutive club meetings without acceptable cause being given, shall be considered by the Executive Board at the meeting following the absences, for forfeiture of membership. (amended 2016)
3. Club members may be removed from Membership for reasons stated above and/or for cause (to be determined by Executive Board) by two-thirds vote, with a quorum present of the club members, and after opportunity to be heard, whenever, in its judgment; the Executive Board considers such actions to be in the best interests of the club. Actions in the best interests of the club shall be determined by the Executive Board.
4. Individuals may be denied participation in club sponsored activities by a two-thirds vote, with a quorum present, of the club members for cause, and after opportunity to be heard, whenever, in its judgment; the Executive Board may consider such action to be in the best interests of the club.
5. Blatant / purposeful violations of these bylaws may be grounds to deny participation in a club sponsored activity and/or forfeit membership. “Blatant” is to be interpreted and determined by the executive board. In this instance, these blatant / purposeful violations of the bylaws forfeits the member’s chance to speak on their behalf before disciplinary action (which may include removal from club) is taken. NOTE *** Forfeiture of membership needs at least a two-thirds vote, with a quorum present of the club members.
E. Reinstatement of Membership
1. Membership in this club that was terminated by withdrawal action may be reinstated by showing compliance with the prerequisites set forth in Section C of this Article VI.
2. Membership in this club that was terminated under Section D, this Article VI, may be reinstated by showing compliance with Section C, this Article VI and by majority vote, with a quorum present of the club members.
F. Rights and Privileges
As members of Connecticut SweetWater Bass you are entitled to all rights and privileges and subject to all obligations to which membership in Bass Anglers Sportsman Society (B.A.S.S.) Nation implies.
1. Without limiting such right and obligations, individual rights shall include eligibility to seek, if otherwise qualified (Ref. Article IV, Section C), any office in this club and the right to vote on all matters requiring a vote; and such individual obligations shall include maintaining current their membership in B.A.S.S., active participation in BASS Nation activities and a conduct reflecting a favorable image of B.A.S.S. and the club in the community.
2. Members shall have representation via the club with the rights and obligations that such representation shall entail, the right to vote through their representative on all matters pertaining to the operation of the BASS Nation; the right to participate in CBN sponsored activities for which they are eligible and such other rights as may be conferred by the Executive Board. The club obligations shall include maintaining affiliation with this CT BASS Nation, active participation and support of CBN projects and activities and the maintenance of a level of conduct and sportsmanship among its members that imparts a favorable image on the club and the CBN in the community.
G. Membership Awards & Commendations
As members of Connecticut Sweetwater Bass you are eligible to receive awards based on fishing performance and/or outstanding efforts in supporting the club and its’ goals.
1. First Place Angler (based on points earned through the CSWB Fishing Trail) - receives a commemorative plaque. He also receives $175 from the club towards the following year’s Mr. BASS CBN invitational tournament OR $175 towards the CBN two-day State Championship. The top angler also receives an invitation to fish the following year’s Mr. BASS CBN invitational tournament. This tournament is only for CBN members that finish first or second in their respective club.
2. Second Place Angler (based on points earned through the CSWB Fishing Trail) - Second place angler receives an invitation to fish the following year’s CBN Mr. BASS tournament as a non-boater. He also receives $125 from the club towards the following year’s Mr. BASS CBN invitational tournament OR $125 towards the CBN two-day State Championship.
3. Third Place Angler (based on points earned through the CSWB Fishing Trail) - Third place angler receives $100 from the club towards the following year’s Mr. BASS CBN invitational tournament OR $100 towards the CBN two-day State Championship.
4. First Place Non-Boater (based on points earned through the CSWB Fishing Trail) - The highest ranked non-boater (First Place Non-Boater) receives a commemorative plaque (amended April 2018)
5. Lunkers (Heaviest largemouth & smallmouth Bass based on weight of individual fish) - The member who records the heaviest weighing largemouth bass throughout the entire CSWB yearly trail receives a plaque (The fish must be alive at weigh-in to qualify for lunker awards). The member who records the heaviest weighing smallmouth bass throughout the entire CSWB yearly trail receives a plaque (The fish must be alive at weigh-in to qualify for lunker awards).
H. Non-discrimination
There shall be no discrimination in membership or participation in the activities of the club by reason of race, creed, color, national origin, or sex. No one will be allowed to circulate any type of documents (malicious, slanderous or libelous type accusations) unless that document is signed by the author.
ARTICLE VIII - Club Committees
A. Committees
The Executive Board, by simple majority vote, may elect or appoint as outlined the three following committees as may become necessary. To be eligible for appointment, a committee candidate must be a member in good standing of the Club. The Executive Board, by simple majority vote, may elect an ad hoc committee NOT outlined in these bylaws, but based upon a pressing club need.
1. Conservation / Environmental Director
Shall be elected by the Executive Board. He shall be a liaison between the Club, Connecticut B.A.S.S. Nation and Bass Anglers Sportsman Society. His duties will be defined by Bass Anglers Sportsman Society. His purpose shall be to protect our natural environment from harmful change; to document and report to the proper authorities violations of local, state and federal anti-pollution laws, statutes, regulations, ordinances and other regulatory devices; to take political action to improve our environment; to take legal action where appropriate; to undertake informational and educational programs to bring to the public a great awareness of threats to our environment; and, above all, to take a leadership role in repairing the harm that has already been done to the life-giving waters of America. The Environmental Director may select a committee with final approval by the Executive Board.
2. Youth Activities
This committee shall review youth activity programs and projects related to indoctrination of our youth in the sport of fishing, sportsmanship, aquatic resources, boat and water safety and conservation practices as may be implemented by the club; it shall recommend improvements thereto; review and determine suitability of similar projects proposed for club sponsorship and assist in the planning and implementation of such projects.
3. Finance Committee
This committee shall consist of at least three members and act as the financial manager of the Club. One member will be appointed chairperson by the committee. This committee will oversee the spending of Club monies and research all major expenditures. It will ensure the membership that proper financial records are kept. It will assist in the annual audit by being able to answer questions that may arise during the audit. Finally, this committee will ensure that the By-laws found in Article XIII (Financial Management) are followed.
ARTICLE IX - Conduct of Meetings
A. Rules of Order
The Rules of Order, inclusive of Order of Business adopted for meetings conducted by this club is listed below. A current updated copy of these Bylaws including Standing Rules must be present (digitally or printed) at any club or Executive Board meeting.
1. General
a. These rules constitute the Rules of Order for the conduct of the club meetings for the club.
b. The rules contained in "Robert's Rules of Order (as revised)" shall be a guide to govern the club in all cases to which they are applicable, and in which they are not inconsistent with these Rules of Order, or the Bylaws of the club.
2. Call to Order
Regular club meetings shall be convened NO LATER THAN 8:30 p.m. on such dates and at such a place as shall be determined and announced; and, it shall be the duty of the President to call the meeting to order at the appointed time, to preside over the meeting, to announce the business before the club in its proper order, to state and put all questions properly brought before the Executive Board, to preserve order and decorum, and to decide all questions of order.
3. Order of Business
The Order of Business for the club meetings shall be as follows:
President (with Executive Board sets the new business agenda)
Treasurer (Current Club Bank Account Balance $ ________________)
Tournament Director (Pairings)
CT Bass Nation Representative
Vice President (Safety)
4. Assumption of Office
Terms of office, procedures for elections and guidelines for assumption of office by club officials are prescribed in Articles IV and VII of the Bylaws. Officials elected during the last meeting of the calendar year shall assume office no earlier than January 1 (unless decided upon in the best interest of the club by the Executive Board) and their assumption of official duties shall be planned so as to coincide with the date of the first club meeting to be conducted in the new calendar year.
5. Presentation of Awards, Presentation and Swearing In of New Officials
a. The presentation of awards and the swearing in of newly elected officials shall be scheduled for conduct during the Order of Business portion slated for the President's introduction.
b. The swearing in of the new President and newly elected officials shall be accomplished by the incumbent President; first, by oath administered jointly to all newly elected officials; last, by oath administered separately to the new President (optional). For each occasion, incumbent President shall administer the following oath to which each elected responds with the words: "I DO!" OATH: "DO YOU SOLEMNLY SWEAR THAT AS AN ELECTED OFFICIAL OF THE CONNECTICUT SWEETWATER BASS, YOU WILL FAITHFULLY AND WILLFULLY EXECUTE THE DUTIES OF YOUR OFFICE: THAT YOU WILL ACCOMPLISH THOSE TASKS RELATED WITH YOUR DUTIES WITH THE HIGHEST DEGREE OF INTEGRITY AND IN THE BEST INTERESTS OF THE CLUB AND ITS MEMBERSHIP?"
ANSWER: "I DO!" An oath does not need to be administered - elected officials
are expected to adhere to these bylaws and faithfully / willfully execute the
duties of their office. And, that they will accomplish those tasks related to their
duties with the highest degree of integrity and in the best interests of the club and
its membership.
c. Should an incumbent President not be present to conduct the presentation and swearing in ceremony, it shall be accomplished by an incumbent official as the Executive Board shall direct.
d. Amendments of Rules of Order: These rules shall be amended only as prescribed in Article II of these Bylaws.
B. Parliamentary Procedures
Except as otherwise specifically provided in this club’s Articles or Bylaws, all questions of order or procedure with respect to any meeting in action of this organization, its Executive Board, or any committee appointed hereunder shall be determined in accordance with Article IX Section A (1-b).
ARTICLE X - Non-Executive Board Club Positions
A. B.A.S.S. Nation Representative
Inasmuch as this club is an affiliate part of the Connecticut B.A.S.S. Nation and it required to have representation at the CT B.A.S.S. Nation meetings or elsewhere to obtain information and new policies and procedures and to add the club’s voice and vote in Connecticut B.A.S.S. Nation matters, this club shall have the power to pay the necessary expenses of its representative(s) to each meeting as are deemed necessary by the Executive Board.
CT Sweetwater B.A.S.S. Nation Representative shall have his annual dues paid for by the club
Responsibilities of the CBN representative
Attend the CBN monthly meetings
Communicate club responsibilities / duties that the club must fulfill to remain affiliated with the CBN
Communicate club responsibilities / duties that the club must fulfill to allow CT Sweetwater Bass members to partake in CBN sponsored events
Be the liaison between CT Sweetwater Bass and the Connecticut Bass Nation when casting votes, updating rosters, obtaining new information, and providing necessary paperwork & monies for CBN sponsored events (this includes any CBN tournament - i.e. Mr. BASS Tournament applications / checks, 2-day State Championship Tournament volunteers, club check deposits, etc.)
B. Other Non-Executive Board Club Positions
The Executive Board may create new non-executive board positions as they deem necessary in the future. Possible positions may include Non-Boater Representative, Website curator, Social Media Account curator, Sponsorship Recruiter, etc.
A. Income
Funds for support and maintenance of the club will be derived from annual dues, tournaments, and special "activity related" projects and donations. Under no circumstances may the club accept monetary assistance from individuals, businesses, corporations or government agencies, if there is evidence that the goals of these entities are contrary to the primary goals of the club.
1. An appropriate number of accounts as determined by the Executive Board will be maintained as the Connecticut SweetWater Bass treasury accounts.
2. A club Ledger will be maintained by the Treasurer recording all income and expenses.
3. The Tournament Director shall record and relinquish all tournament trail entry fees and request payouts, which occurred during the calendar year to/from the treasurer.
B. Expenses and Reimbursement
This will be handled in the following manner:
1. All expenses must be submitted to the Treasurer or Vice President in writing and accompanied by a dated receipt.
2. All expenses and reimbursements will require the prior approval of the Executive Board
C. Audits
The Connecticut SweetWater Bass shall have a financial audit or review as required,
1. An audit committee consisting of at least three (3) members will be selected by the Executive Board
2. The audit committee shall meet the month following their selection for the purpose of auditing the annual report of the Treasurer verifying bank balances and cash on hand.
3. The audit committee will report its findings at the following club meeting.
D. Financial Reports
A copy of the monthly financial report will be distributed to each club member the club secretary at the monthly meeting.
Rule 1 - Amendment of Standing Rules
The Standing Rules of this club were adopted by rule of the majority; they are therefore subject to the will of the majority at any meeting and may be suspended, modified, or rescinded by a majority vote, with a quorum present, without the delay incident of giving previous written notice. This pertains only to items listed under Standing Rules. All other amendments to the Bylaws must follow the procedures as outlined in Article II.
Rule 2- Voting
Voting at any club meeting pertaining to changes to the Bylaws or the Standing Rules shall be by roll call vote.
Rule 3- Bylaw and Standing Rules Updates
Each year, when necessary, members will be furnished with a list of any revisions to the Bylaws or the Standing Rules.
Rule 4- New Member
A packet containing the Bylaws and Tournament Rules and Regulations shall be given to each new member joining the Connecticut Sweetwater Bass (available online).
Rule 5- Dissemination of Club Roster
A roster of Connecticut SweetWater Bass possibly containing demographics, age, sex, race, B.A.S.S. number or other personal information, may not be given to any individual or organization outside the club unless approved by the Executive Board. Password Protection to this digital information listed above is required and must be updated yearly if membership were to change.
Rule 6- Allowable Expenses
The CSWB Officers and members of the CSWB committees will may be reimbursed for phone calls, stationary and postage. Meal(s) and travel (mileage at current GSA guideline or gas reimbursement with receipt) are only approved by the Executive Board prior to start of a trip. Miscellaneous expenses not listed may be reimbursed only if a full explanation of these expenses is enclosed by the person submitting them. All receipts and vouchers must be signed and dated by the individual who submits the receipt or voucher.
Rule 7 - Donations
Any individual may request a donation for any worthy charity or cause. The club member must fill out a request donation form and submit request to the Executive Board. It shall be required that any member requesting donations from the club do so at least 42 days (6 weeks) prior to the event to allow the club ample time to provide prizes or other provisions for the event in lieu of monies. Approval of all donation requests shall be by majority vote of the club. Any member which requests a cash donation from the club shall be required to match the donation with funds raised from outside sources. The total donations that a member shall receive within a calendar year from the club shall not exceed 5% of the club's yearly dues. Any member which receives a donation from the club for an event will be required to submit an article for the website about the event. In the event that a member does not do this, that member will not be eligible to receive a donation for the next year. Donations shall not carry over from year to year for any member or organization.
Rule 8- Interpretation of the Standing Rules
The final authority for the interpretation of the Standing Rules shall rest with the Executive Board.
Rule 9- BASS Nation Tournament Workers
During certain Connecticut B.A.S.S. Nation tournament events, it is required for our club to send workers/helpers. As a member of Connecticut SweetWater Bass, you are required to volunteer as a worker for one (1) of these events unless otherwise fishing the event.
Rule 10- Tournament Trail Lake Selections
After lake selections have been voted on and finalized there will be NO changes to the lakes, start times, or end times unless requested by the DEEP or deemed necessary by the tournament director due to hazardous or unforeseen circumstances. The tournament director needs to consult with the Executive Board before making these changes.
Rule 11- B.A.S.S. Membership
The club will at all times maintain 100% B.A.S.S. Membership. We will submit a complete membership roster to B.A.S.S. Nation once a year and our club will belong to and support our state B.A.S.S. Nation. If the club wished to seek allegiance with another fishing organization besides B.A.S.S. or to become independent, the Executive Board will make the final decision. All club members will be allowed to speak on the matter at meetings. A sufficient amount of time (to be determined by the Executive Board) and research will be needed to make this potential important decision.
Rule 12- Accepting New Members
The Executive Board shall take each application and thoughtfully determine if the potential member is a good fit for the club. These determinations must not discriminate according to Article VII section G. No longer shall new members be accepted based on a ‘first-come-first-serve’ basis. The Executive Board must allow a boater-to-non-boater ratio as to avoid possible 3 members on 1 boat during a tournament. The exact ratio shall be determined by the Executive Board.
Rule 13 - Sponsorship
Any member of the club can recruit potential club sponsors. When recruiting sponsors, keep in mind if the sponsor would be a good fit for the club. Notify the executive board of the business before offering sponsorship and accepting sponsorship dollars. Present one of the CT Sweetwater’s sponsor letters (to be made available on the Members Only page on the club website) along with one of the two sponsorship packages available to the potential sponsor. With recruiting a sponsor, prepare to assist the Club President as being the club liason to the new sponsor.
ARTICLE XIII - Website / Social Media / Electronic Correspondence for the Club
A. Purpose of Website
The Connecticut Sweetwater Bass Official Website should be designed, developed, and maintained for the purpose of open communication and promotion of the club’s activities and goals. It will also be used to offer sponsorship exposure to the club followers.
The club website and any email addresses shall be in the name of the current club President.
Club Website design, development, and maintenance (updating) shall be the responsibility of whomever the Executive Board designates. The Executive Board may create a separate non-Executive Board position in the future to fulfill these responsibilities.
B. Purpose of Social Media Accounts -
The Connecticut Sweetwater Bass Social Media accounts should be designed, developed, and maintained for the purpose of communication, promoting the club, and offering sponsorship exposure to the club followers.
Club Social Media accounts shall be in the name of the current club President.
Club Social Media account design, development, and maintenance (updating) shall be the responsibility of whomever the Executive Board designates. The Executive Board may create a separate non-Executive Board position in the future to fulfill these responsibilities.
C. Other Publications i.e. Forum Posts, Flyers, Email Blasts, Banners, Jerseys, T-shirts, stickers, etc.
Any other publications made in the name of CT Sweetwater Bass Club needs to be discussed and reviewed with the Executive Board.
ARTICLE XIV - Definitions
The following are explanations of words or phrases used throughout these Bylaws that are not otherwise defined. These definitions shall only be revised in accordance with Article II, Amendments to Bylaws.
Calendar Year - shall run from January 1st through December 31st.
Contracts on behalf of Club - The Executive Board may authorize any officer or officers to enter into any contract or other instrument on behalf of this club and such authority may be general or confined to specific instances. Except as herein provided or as authorized by the club, no officer other than the President and those officers granted specific authority under Article V of these Bylaws, shall have any power or authority to bind this club by any contract or engagement, or to pledge its credit or to render it liable, for any purpose or for any amount.
Fiscal Year - shall run from January 1st through December 31st.
Quorum - For the transaction of business at all club meetings, 51% of the affiliated members must be present.
Voting - At all meetings of the Executive Board, each member shall have one vote. Proxy votes during Executive Board meetings (not regular club meetings) are allowed provided they are submitted via written or E-mail prior to the meeting. Full club meeting voting can be conducted via paper or roll call vote.
Major Revisions - defined as more than 12 revisions per update to these bylaws as needed.